From left: Ethel Chong, Senior Lecturer, NAFA, Mohammad Nori...
From left: Yii Kah Hoe, SEGi College Subang Jaya, Malaysia a...
Art Education in the Studio: Adly Azizi, Mohammad Norisham b...
Art Education in the Studio: Adly Azizi, Mohammad Norisham b...
Art Education in the Studio: Adly Azizi, Mohammad Norisham b...
Art Education in the Studio: Mohammad Norisham bin Osman
Art Education in the Studio: Mohammad Norisham bin Osman
Participants during the presentation: Art Education in the S...
Art Education in the Studio: Mohammad Norisham bin Osman
The Student Body: Grace Leong
Participants during the presentation: The Student Body
The Student Body: Grace Leong
Participants during the presentation: The Student Body
Policy and Government: Garin Nugroho
Policy and Government: Garin Nugroho
Particiipants during the presentation: Policy and Government
Participants during the presentation: Art Education in Malay...
Art Education in Malaysia: Ivan Lam
Participants during the presentation: Art Education in Malay...
Participants during the presentation: Art Education in Malay...
Art Education in Malaysia: Ivan Lam
Student ushers, from left: Chen Jiawen and Siti Khadiejah
Morning tea break on day 3 of the forum
Morning tea break on day 3 of the forum
Morning tea break on day 3 of the forum
Morning tea break on day 3 of the forum
Morning tea break on day 3 of the forum
Morning tea break on day 3 of the forum
Panel discussion : The Relevance of Art School
Moderator, Fendry Ekel and panel members of The Relevance of...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School: Panellist, G...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School: Panellist, G...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School: Panellist, S...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School: Panel member...
Fendry Ekel moderating a panel discussion : The Relevance of...
Mr Chia Mia Chiang, NAFA President at the panel dicussion on...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School: Panellist, M...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School, from left: ...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School: Panellist, S...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School, from left: p...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Moderator, Fendry Ekel and panel members of the panel dicuss...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Participants during the panel discussion : The Relevance of ...
Panel dicussion on The Relevance of Art School, from left: ...
Panel discussion : The Relevance of Art School
Panel discussion : The Relevance of Art School
Panel discussion : The Relevance of Art School
Panel discussion : The Relevance of Art School
Panel discussion : The Relevance of Art School
Moderator, Fendry Ekel with panel members of the panel dicus...
Rubber � Band: NAFA X KMUTT - Bangkok 2018
Dr. Bridget Tracy Tan inviting Suara Indonesia Dance and San...
Alfira O'Sullivan presenting for Suara Indonesia Dance and S...
On performance arts in Southeast Asia(Developments and globa...
On performance arts in Southeast Asia(Developments and globa...
On performance arts in Southeast Asia(Developments and globa...
On performance arts in Southeast Asia(Developments and globa...
Murtala presenting for Suara Indonesia Dance and Sanggar BUA...
Politics and Art: Dr. Yu WeiJie
On performance arts in Southeast Asia(Developments and globa...
On performance arts in Southeast Asia(Developments and globa...
Politics and Art: Zhang Jing
Politics and Art: Zhang Jing and NAFA Theater (Mandarin Dram...
Politics and Art: Zhang Jing and NAFA Theater (Mandarin Dram...
Politics and Art: Student performer from NAFA Theater (Manda...
Politics and Art: NAFA Theater (Mandarin Drama) students
Politics and Art: NAFA Theater (Mandarin Drama) students
Politics and Art: NAFA Theater (Mandarin Drama) students
Participants during the presentation: Politics and Art
Ethnicity, Difference, and the Global scene, from left: Nant...
Ethnicity, Difference, and the Global scene: Teerapoj Teerop...
Ethnicity, Difference, and the Global scene: Nanthana Boonla...
From left: Nanthana Boonla-Or and Teerapoj Teeropas
From left: Sabrina Long, Teerapoj Teeropas, Nanthana Boonla-...
Sanggar BUANA Banda Aceh
Sanggar BUANA Banda Aceh and Suara Indonesia Dance
Afternoon tea break on day 3 of the forum
Grace Leong moderating a panel discussion on The Relevance ...
Moderator, Grace Leong and panel members of the panel dicuss...
Panel discusson on The Relevance of Art School: Panellist, M...
Panel discusson on The Relevance of Art School: Panel member...
Panel discusson on The Relevance of Art School, from left: M...
Panel discusson on The Relevance of Art School, from left: P...
Panel discusson on The Relevance of Art School, from left: ...
Jean-Baptiste Phou at the panel discusson on The Relevance o...
Participants during the panel discusson on The Relevance of ...
From left: Zhang Jing, Grace Leong , Dr. Yu WeiJie, Alfira O...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
Participants during the presentation, Jamming Jogja: A Stude...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
Participants during the presentation, Jamming Jogja: A Stude...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
NAFA Theatre student performers in Jamming Jogja: A Student-...
Oniatta Effendi (centre in white) with NAFA theatre student ...
From left: Dr. Joyce Koh, Vice Dean, Interdisciplinary Studi...